Kjeldahl method

The Kjeldahl method or Kjeldahl digestion (Norwegian pronunciation: [t͡ʃɛldɑːl]) in analytical chemistry is a method for the quantitative determination of nitrogen in chemical substances developed by Johan Kjeldahl in 1883.[1]



The method consists of heating a substance with sulfuric acid, which decomposes the organic substance by oxidation to liberate the reduced nitrogen as ammonium sulfate. In this step potassium sulfate is added to increase the boiling point of the medium (from 337°F to 373°F / 169°C to 189°C). Chemical decomposition of the sample is complete when the medium has become clear and colorless (initially very dark).

The solution is then distilled with sodium hydroxide (added in small quantities) which converts the ammonium salt to ammonia. The amount of ammonia present (hence the amount of nitrogen present in the sample) is determined by back titration. The end of the condenser is dipped into a solution of boric acid. The ammonia reacts with the acid and the remainder of the acid is then titrated with a sodium carbonate solution with a methyl orange pH indicator.

Degradation: Sample + H2SO4 → (NH4)2SO4(aq) + CO2(g) + SO2(g) + H2O(g)
Liberation of ammonia: (NH4)2SO4(aq) + 2NaOH → Na2SO4(aq) + 2H2O(l) + 2NH3(g)
Capture of ammonia: B(OH)3 + H2O + NH3 → NH4+ + B(OH)4
Back-titration: B(OH)3 + H2O + Na2CO3 → NaHCO3(aq) + NaB(OH)4(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O

Nowadays, the Kjeldahl method is largely automated and makes use of specific catalysts (mercury oxide or copper sulfate) to speed up the decomposition.


The Kjeldahl method's universality, precision and reproducibility have made it the internationally-recognized method for estimating the protein content in foods and it is the standard method against which all other methods are judged. It does not, however, give a measure of true protein content, as it measures nonprotein nitrogen in addition to the nitrogen in proteins. This is evidenced by the 2007 pet food incident and the 2008 Chinese milk powder scandal, when melamine, a nitrogen-rich chemical, was added to raw materials to fake high protein contents. Also, different correction factors are needed for different proteins to account for different amino acid sequences. Additional disadvantages, such as the need to use concentrated sulfuric acid at high temperature and the relatively long testing time (an hour or more), compare unfavorably with the Dumas method for measuring crude protein content.[2]

Conversion factors

Conversion factors for common foods range from 6.38 for dairy and 6.25 for meat, eggs, corn (maize) and sorghum to 5.83 for most grains, 5.70 for wheat flour and 5.46 for peanuts.[3]

See also


  1. ^ Julius B. Cohen Practical Organic Chemistry 1910 Link to online text
  2. ^ Dr. D. Julian McClements. "Analysis of Proteins". University of Massachusetts. http://www-unix.oit.umass.edu/~mcclemen/581Proteins.html. Retrieved 2007-04-27. 
  3. ^ http://www.fao.org/docrep/006/y5022e/y5022e03.htm